*Animals / Domestic Animals / Day of Darkness VISION

This is by far, one of the strangest vision dreams I have ever had. I will take the advice of my Native American brothers on this one and I will not try to analyze my own vision or even try to interpret this one. The meaning seems complicated.

I saw domestic animals turning wild again. I saw domestic animals attacking people and acting crazy. I saw cats clawing their owners. I saw dogs with no fear of their owners. I saw wild animals roaming the street. I saw domestic animals bleeding from the eyes, transforming into something wicked. I saw the fear of humans when looking at their pets. The animals were sensing something strange and evil and in turn, were going crazy. The animals seemed to be forced to act this way by something humans could not understand. Something or some strange and dark force was controlling them. The animals seemed to know something humans did not know, they felt something deep within.

Then I saw darkness. I saw fear in men. I saw a day with no lights and no electricity. I saw an invasion of some kind, people running, hiding, fighting animals and other people. I saw a looming darkness, an ever-present shadow hovering above great cities. A shadow that carried evil. People could not think straight. These cities were first-world cities as well as cities throughout the world. I saw day turn to night. I saw young people coming together trying to survive. I saw the looting of nice homes. I saw empty streets. I felt hungry and I sensed death and hopelessness. Something was chasing me, I ran upstairs trying to hide then turned to fight…

I Awoke.

It was 4:32am.